全球领先的防水系统及特种砂浆 整体解决方案提供商
比利时王国精细化工工业(控股)有限公司 Polytechnisch Bedrijf Bvba/Sprl (PTB)
PTB® (Polytechnisch Bedrijf Bvba/Sprl), a fine chemical industry Co., Ltd (holding company) of Belgium kingdom, was one of the first manufacturers of speciality building products in Belgium designed for the construction development sector and industry. Since 1957, PTB® has become an European well-known brand in the field of chemical engineering and cementitious material.
The series products of COMPAKTUNA® developed and produced by PTB®always occupy an important place of building material products of European countries. The products of Polytechnisch Bedrijf (PTB®) are used in all aspects of civil engineering, solving a
lot of practical engineering problems. The product assortment has been expanded rapidly from one to hundred items amongst which COMPAKTUNA® remains one of the standard bearers. COMPAKTUNA® still occupies the no.1 spot in Belgium. The products of Polytechnisch Bedrijf (PTB® ) are recognized by the builders all over the world.
In 1974, because of growing demand for PTB® products, PTB® built a new modern plant. The new plant not only greatly increased the numbers of products, but also brought a modern management system integrating product development, quality monitoring, plant supervision, product sale together.
PTB® (Polytechnisch Bedrijf Bvba/Sprl)--比利时王国精细化工工业(控股)有限 公 司作为比利时王国建设发展部1911年第一批高新科技建筑材料制造商, 在1957 年成为欧洲知名 品 牌的 化工水泥建材的制造商之一.
PTB® 生产研发的COMPAKTUNA®系列产品一直占据比利时,欧洲世界各国建筑产品的重要地 位.Polytechnisch Bedrijf(PTB®)产品应用于土木工程的方面,解决了大量实际工程问 题.产品 的种类由初期单一品种迅速扩展到100多种,COMPAKTUNA®仍是主打产品,占据欧洲比利时第一位. 由 于产品的高质量、高品质和卓越的性能得到欧洲及世界各地建筑商们一致认可。
1974年,由于市场对PTB®产品的需求增大,PTB®在比利时建立一个全新的现代化工厂。新 厂的落成使PTBR®不仅在产品生产、销售数量上大规模的增加,同时也拥有了集产品研发、质量 监控、生产管理和产品销售为一体的现代化的管理体系。